Celebrating Saraswati Puja
The Canberra Sanatani Sangha invited me to join them for a Saraswati Puja on Sunday, 10 February, at the Flynn Community Hub in my electorate of Ginninderra. Today I had the opportunity to speak in the Assembly and thank Mr Avijit Sircar, convener, for extending to me his warm welcome. I also thanked Dr Ajoy Kar for assisting me in being able to address the attendees in the Bengali Language.
Saraswati is the Hindu goddess of learning, knowledge, music, arts, science and technology. Gathering together to worship on her birthday is an opportunity for participants to seek wisdom, artistic and technical skill, and academic excellence. Many parents use this day to first introduce their young children to writing.
The evening was filled with skilful performances, rich colours, and fragrant, delicious food – all of which reinforced the importance of having the skills necessary to create beauty. I am grateful for all the good families in Canberra who strengthen our community by teaching their children to seek for and achieve excellence. It makes me happy to live in a richly pluralistic society, where we can learn from and be inspired by so many cultures and faith communities.
Click on the arrow button to read my speech.
