Kikkert encourages community donations for refugee families
ACT Shadow Minister for Multicultural Affairs and Families, Youth and Community Services, Elizabeth Kikkert reminds Canberra residents that numerous opportunities exist to lend a hand to refugees in the ACT.
“Personal friends of mine organised the Christmas food appeal for refugees on behalf of the Red Cross this year, and the goal was to collect enough donations to be able to provide Christmas hampers for over 100 needy families and individuals in our community,” Mrs Kikkert said today.
“When I heard this, I immediately decided to make my office a collection point for the ACT Legislative Assembly.
“Contributions of food have come from individuals who work in offices across all political parties as well as staff of the Office of the Legislative Assembly. I am grateful for such a heart-warming response from so many.
“It has been my experience that Canberrans are generous people whenever presented with a chance to give, so my daughter and I also set up a table at Kippax Fair in Holt this past Saturday morning. We handed out ‘shopping lists’ that included the items requested by the Red Cross and invited people to add a few of these items to their trolleys.
“Again, the response was heart warming. In just a couple of hours, we had eight large shopping bags filled with flour, biscuits, tuna, beans and more.
“Anyone interested in assisting the Red Cross during the festive season or at any time can contact the Canberra office on 6234 7600,” Mrs Kikkert concluded.