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Overdue study to improve traffic study should be released

Another accident that left a car on its side and delayed traffic for an hour at the intersection of Tillyard and Ginninderra Drives should compel the ACT Government to release the details of an overdue traffic study near this area even if the Government’s own deadlines won’t, Member for Ginninderra Elizabeth Kikkert said today.

“Almost a year ago, Canberra residents in the suburbs of Charnwood, Flynn and Fraser were contacted by the ACT Government to share their concerns and recommendations for improving the traffic conditions on Tillyard Drive and surrounding roads,” Mrs Kikkert said.

“Residents were promised by the Government that the outcomes of the study, including the final scheme for improvements and the priorities for implementation would be released to the community by mid-2017.

“In June I asked the Minister for Transport and City Services Meegan Fitzharris why the completion of this study had been delayed. I received no explanation and was simply told that the outcomes and proposed traffic management plan should be released by September 2017.

“It is now October and we still have nothing from the Government, which is sad considering how important this issue is for Canberrans who live or travel in the area.

“West Belconnen residents have a right to the promised results from the traffic study after nearly a year, and as an act of courtesy the minister should kindly explain why it has taken so long,” Mrs Kikkert concluded.

Elizabeth Kikkert MLA at the Tillyard and Ginninderra Drives intersection.


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